Adding Meaning to Your Life

As we enter into the month of February, we find ourselves preparing for the season of Lent. Lent is the traditional time when we journey through the wilderness with Jesus as he prepared to begin his ministry. Just as Jesus was tempted for 40 days in the desert following his baptism, sometimes during Lent, faithful people give up something to, in a sense, join Jesus during His time in the desert. We are tempted in that process of giving something up for those 40 days and find ourselves drawing nearer to God through this Spiritual discipline. This can add meaning to our lives, and change our relationship with God and each other.

Another option would be to try adding something to your life. Try adding one of the following:

Time spent with the Word of God

Time spent with a small group studying the Bible

Time spent in prayer

Time spent in worship

Time spent in fellowship

These additions to your life can change you and strengthen your faith as well! We have a special Lenten service each Wednesday evening following a community meal. If you have not been with us before, join us for dinner and worship each Wednesday and using this time to draw nearer to your fellow church members and God!

As you journey through Lent towards the triumphant Easter morning, I pray that you will draw nearer to God in some way on this journey. God cherishes His relationship with us so much that He sent His Son to be a bridge between us. It was only though this act that we could even dream of drawing near to God, for Christ did what we could not when he bridged that gap!

In Him,

Pastor Jon

Categories: Pastor's Manna
