A Time for Reflection

As we turn the page of our calendars to March, we begin the season of Lent, a season before Easter when we are called to reflect and prepare for our Easter celebration. We reflect upon the sacrifice Christ made for us and prepare to celebrate the difference that sacrifice makes in our lives on Easter Sunday when Christ rose from the grave.
There are two, almost opposite, ways we can reflect during Lent, either by fasting, or by adding to our lives:
- Many of us grew up with a Lenten tradition of fasting, or giving up something for Lent. People give up sweets, television, social media, all sorts of things. The main idea of removing something from your life during Lent is that you replace that item with something that helps you connect more with your faith: Bible reading, devotions, prayer time, quiet time with God, or worship. All too often this second part of giving up gets lost, and we just focus upon that which we no longer do in our lives, which short-changes the original idea of the fast.
- In many Protestant denominations, a focus has arisen to simply seek to add a spiritual exercise to your life. The same things that can be added when you fast during lent, can also be added if you don’t. Often people find that what they have added for the 40 days of Lent are meaningful enough that they want to keep the spiritual exercise going, even after Lent has ended.
At First Presbyterian Church of Omaha, we have all sort of resources that you can use to add something to your life, whether you opt to give something up or not. We have our ongoing bible studies you can join, we have a new Lenten study, we have devotional books, written by your own church members and friends, and if none of those peak your interest, we also have a library of resources with great devotionals, studies, and books. Talk to Pastor Jenni or me, and we can help you find something great to add to your faith life thie Lent!
In Him,
Pastor Jon
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