Adult Discipleship: Mid-Summer Dreams

Mid-Summer Dreams
It is hard to believe that summer is at its halfway mark…whether that is half over or half still to come! Where did the time go? Someone told me today that the older we get the faster time goes…today I believe it! So I sit and wonder and dream a bit about where this summer has gone and what this summer will continue to bring?
Well, in looking back this has been a busy summer! This summer has brought 40 kids to VBS for a week of fun and games. It took 14 Tweens to Camp Calvin Crest for a Mini Mission trip and 14 high school and college youth to Texas for a week long mission trip. Earlier this summer we also returned to worship in our sanctuary after three months of construction. It has given us two wonderful movie nights with one yet to come. Summer has also hosted our first, very successful, Service Sunday where service was a part of our worship.
It has been an eventful summer but it is far from over…there is still time to stop and dream of all the fun that summer still holds…with its longer days comes time with family. I love to dream about all the fun that is still to be had and to think of opportunities that we can be together as a church family. Don’t forget about our summer adventures with Jesus…keep sending in those pictures!
Summer is a great time to try something new, dream about new adventures, and seek new opportunities. May your mid-summer dreams be grand…keep your eyes open, watch for the chance to be a part of something fun this summer and don’t forget to take Jesus with you wherever you go!
Pastor Jenni
But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit to-gether by every ligament with which it is equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body’s growth in building itself up in love.
Ephesians 4:15-16 (NRSV)
Categories: Discipleship, Fellowship, Mission