Adult Discipleship – Spring…Together

Winter is finally over (or at least that is what the weatherman said today)! The signs of Spring are beginning to appear. There is something special about this time of year as the world wakes from its winter nap. It is amazing to think about how all of nature works together to make Spring so beautiful, all a part of God’s design. It is also a good reminder for us in the importance of community when it comes to both faith and life.
As a church family we rely on one another and work together to do amazing things. So here is a reminder about a few opportunities we have to be Together this month: Sunday morning classes for all ages every Sunday at 9am; volunteers are always needed in our pantry; our Midweek @ Midtown Lenten services continue as we study The Way of the Cross. And as we enter into Holy Week we have special worship services as we participate in the celebration and excitement of Palm Sunday, witness the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, and experience the darkness of Good Friday.
I hope this Spring becomes a season of growth in your life, whether that be participating in Sunday morning classes, Sunday worship, Midweek @ Midtown, or perhaps you would like to start something new it is truly amazing what we can accomplish Together!
Pastor Jenni