This year we are shifting our Youth Groups to the 2nd Sunday of the month from 4 to 5 p.m.
Our youth program runs from September to April with something for all ages. Our time together begins with games followed by Bible Study and various fun community building activities and mission opportunities to grow and serve together.
4:12 Tweens
4:12 Tweens is a faith group for 5th- 8th-grade youth, meeting on the 2nd Sunday of the month from 4-6 p.m. Based on the teachings of 1 Timothy 4:12*, participants engage in study, service, and fellowship to foster a community of faith with one another. All while forming the core of their personal faith beliefs. To learn more and join our contact list please reach out to Jen Davis @jend8765@yahoo.com or Nicola Rincen at Mrsnnconoob@gmail.com
* “Don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity.”
FPC Youth Group
The FPC Youth group is for students 9th- 12th-grade. We meet the 2nd Sunday of the month from 4 to 6 pm. We also program various special events to give the youth opportunities to grow in Christian fellowship. One of the primary goals of this group is to get young people engaging in their faith. By fostering an environment of fun and relaxation we provide a safe space for youth to share their faith and discover how to incorporate it into their daily routine. To learn more and join our contact list please reach out to Susan Kawamoto at sakawamoto11@gmail.com.
FPC College & Career Group
Young adults post-high school: those starting out in a career, those who are students in college, grad school, trade school, and also those figuring out what’s next. Anyone post-high school to mid-twenties is encouraged to take part in any College & Career Group activity throughout the year! After high school it can be hard to connect with the church and other people of faith. We’ve got a spot for you to be! Eat some lunch, take part in a Bible study discussion, and find your place in faith and in the church. This group is looking to meet throughout the year during school breaks and during the summer months. Activities include mission work and activities away from the church.