Free Community Easter Egg Hunt
Doors open at 10am Come... Hear the Easter Story, Have a snack, Hunt for eggs! Bring your Easter basket and a friend!
Doors open at 10am Come... Hear the Easter Story, Have a snack, Hunt for eggs! Bring your Easter basket and a friend!
Join in the fun on Wednesdays (Sept-May) Dinner begins at 5:45 (suggested donation $5) Classes for all ages begin at 6:30 MidweekKids: Preschool-Kinder & 1st-4th grade 4:12 Tweens: 5th-7th grade FPC Youth: 8th-12th grade Adult Study Chancel Choir Rehearsal at 7:30
We offer Sunday morning classes for all ages at 9:00am in Millard Hall. Nursery - Frolic Preschool (age 3-K) - My Great Big God Elementary (1st-4th grade) - Whirl Middle School (5th-7th grade) - Bible 101 High School (8th-12th grade) - Live Adult Study - The Present Word
Children and Youth Sunday School classes are taking a break for the summer. Adult Sunday School continues to meet in Jenks Lounge during the Summer from June 5 - August 28. We are studying Max Lucado's book Unshakable Hope. Classes for all ages will resume in-person Sunday, September 11, 2022.
This week, we'll be setting up camp – Compassion Camp – inside and outside the church. We'll hear stories and watch skits about brave people in the Bible who shared God's compassion with others. We'll also spend time playing, creating, singing, and of course we won't forget the snacking. :) Sign up today! Use the this form or […]
This Summer we will be studying 12 Women of the Bible. It's not easy being a woman in today's world. The demands and expectations you face can be overwhelming. And deep within, there is a longing to meet with God and be changed in his presence. Through powerful insights from six trusted Bible teachers, we'll meet […]
We offer Sunday morning classes for all ages at 9:00am in Millard Hall. Nursery - Frolic Preschool (age 3-K) - My Great Big God Elementary (1st-4th grade) - Whirl Middle School (5th-7th grade) - Bible 101 High School (8th-12th grade) - The Chosen Adult Study - The Present Word
With Labor Day comes the official end of summer which can mean only one thing…our programs here at First Presbyterian Church are coming back in full swing with something for EVERYONE! Sunday September 11th, is Rally Sunday and the perfect opportunity for you to see firsthand all the opportunities we have to Discover the Journey […]
Join in the fun on Wednesdays (Sept-May) Dinner begins at 5:30pm (suggested donation $5) *Adult Bible study begins at 6:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal at 7:00 *4:12 Tweens: 5th-7th grade & FPC Youth: 8th-12th grade are shifting to the 3rd Sunday of the month following worship MidweekKids: Preschool-Kinder & 1st-4th grade will meet on the 1st Wednesday […]
Our first Women's Mini Retreat for the year is a Fun Night Out, Bunco game night at the Church, with prizes and snacks. It is a snap to learn this fast-paced, fun game; no Bunco experience is required. Bring a friend!
Our second Women's Mini Retreat is Hearts & Hands, this one serves others. We will gather at the church to prepare the meal for the Crossroads Connection prison ministry dinner for Sunday (23rd), and make casseroles to freeze--ready to give away to those in need. Plus a few other projects (tbd) to serve our community.
All-Church Sunday School is a new way to be the church: all of us, together, eating in fellowship, learning about the Bible through humorous skits, and bonding over fallen paper towers or group stories gone astray. It’s a fast-paced way to engage in faith, community, and Bible study; and all before worship even begins! I […]
Our next Women's Mini Retreat is Stories of Faith featuring guest speaker and author, Sara Bohling, who will share with us her story of ‘Grit and Grace’, persevering in this world.
Blue Christmas Service, Saturday December 17 @ 1:30 pm The Christmas season can be difficult for those of us experiencing loneliness, sadness and loss. We can feel singled out by the programmed happiness of “the most wonderful time of the year.” But we are not alone. This gathering will be an opportunity to be with […]
Wassail Party, Sunday December 18 @ 7pm The tradition continues! Preparations are underway for the return of our annual Wassail Party! Make plans to join the fun on December 18, as we gather for Wassail, cookies, singing and merriment!
All are invited to join in a special time of worship together Christmas Eve as we celebrate the birth of the Christ Child. Our service begins with a special musical prelude at 4:30 p.m. filled with beautiful musical offerings from church member and friends helping to set a spirit of worship and adoration. Our Christmas […]
Our next Women's Mini Retreat is Prayer Mosaic. We will welcome the new year together with a time of meditation and creative ways to search our own hearts and pray.
Join in this festive time of worship as we enter Holy Week by celebrating Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem
Join together in Worship as we observe Maundy Thursday, celebrating the Last Supper in scripture and song.
Join together in this solemn time of worship as we observe Jesus last words from the cross.