Summer Adult Sunday School
First Presbyterian Church 216 So 34th Street, Omaha, NE, United StatesSummer Sunday morning adult class meets in Jenks Lounge at 9:00 a.m.
Summer Sunday morning adult class meets in Jenks Lounge at 9:00 a.m.
In recognition of Independence Day the pantry will be closed on July 4th *In accordance with Federal civil laws and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, […]
All Sunday morning classes meet in Millard Hall at 9:00 a.m.
All Church Picnic at the Hanscom Park Pavillion. We will supply the chicken and drinks. Please bring: A-H: Salad L-P: Vegetable/Fruit Q-Z: Dessert
Tuesday Morning @ 10:30 am | Tuesday Evening @ 7:00 pm Before Amen - A four-week study by Max Lucado We all pray . . . some. We pray to stay sober, centered, or solvent. When the lump is deemed malignant. When the money runs out. When a relationship is falling apart. But wouldn’t we […]
Join the fun out on the front lawn or in Calvin Hall depending on the weather. We will supply the popcorn, you bring the blanket and chairs. Featured Presentation: Mary Poppins
There will be a Congregational Meeting to vote on merging Session and Trustees on Sunday, August 11th, 2019 , following worship. Lert's have as many members available to hear about the changes and then to cast your vote.
4:12 Tweens comes from 1 Timothy 4:12 which says, “Don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity.”
For the health and well-being of our community, as of March 14th, all Midweek@Midtown Wednesday evening activities have been canceled until further notice. Midweek @ Midtown is our weekly gathering for Community and Growth. Dinner is served from 5:45pm-6:15pm. Following dinner, at 6:30, you will find something for everyone as our children, youth […]
dinner, movie & a conversation Join us for an evening of faith and film as we watch Fireproof followed by a time of conversation about the film and our faith. Dinner will be provided but RSVP’s are needed.
Plan to join fellow church members, friends and family for a beautiful fall evening, Saturday October 19th. We will meet at the wonderful property of Lori Snyder-Sloan’s dads for a great day of fun, games, food and fellowship. There is no cost to attend, but we do ask attendees to bring: Lawn chairs, 2-liter drinks […]
Who likes games? Who likes treats? If you do, don’t miss out on Youth Ministry’s annual “Trunk-or-Treat” event for our itty-bitty kids through elementary-aged youth. When: Sunday, October 27th @ 4:30pm Where: 35th Street and back Parking lot Bring your kids, grandkids, neighbors and friends to Millard Hall for an afternoon of fun. Dress them […]
November 21, 2019 is our Thanksgiving Pantry. Everyone is welcome on this special pantry day as we hand out fixings for Thanksgiving dinner. First Presbyterian Church's Hand Up Food Pantry is open every Thursday from 3:30 pm to 5:15 pm. Seniors, 65+ can come every week and select food from the senior section which changes […]
First Presbyterian Church's Hand Up Food Pantry is closed Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 2019. We welcome you next week and look forward to serving you. We are open every Thursday unless it is a holiday or the schools are closed due to inclement weather. If you question whether we are open, feel free to call […]
There will be no Sunday morning classes today December 29. Merry Christmas!
Join us Wednesday afternoons in Jenk’s lounge for an 8-week Bible study on The New Testament. Through this year we continue to go Deeper into the Bible during this weekly Bible Study. We will continue with Part 4: The New Testament. Here we will enter the story of Jesus, his church, and his return.
It is not news to anyone that we are living in a time of conflict, division, and disagreement. In politics, in religion, in education, in relationships and communities and churches, we are becoming people who can’t seem to find our way out of the “us vs. them” pit of divisiveness. It doesn’t matter who you […]
Have you recently experienced the loss of a loved one? Are you having a difficult time dealing with your grief? It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right now. If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, you’ve probably found there are not many people who understand the […]
Often, idols are obvious—money, power, fame. But subtler idols can sometimes take the form of loved ones, Instagrammable interiors, and busy seasons of work, motherhood, or ministry. But if your heart is prioritizing any of those pursuits before God, you’re missing the unrivaled joy and adventure of Jesus being your heart’s ultimate treasure. In […]
For the health and well-being of our community, as of March 14th, all Sunday morning classes have been canceled until further notice.