Food For Thought

Senior High Mission Trip
It has been an active month of service for our Sr. high youth group. From July 7-15 the 18 of us traveled over 1000 miles from our church home to Corpus Christi, TX to be the hands and feet of Christ. Once we arrived in Texas all of us got to see firsthand the devastation of Hurricane Harvey had caused all over south Texas. Even now nearly a year after Harvey made landfall there is no shortage of work to be done, but thankfully with the help of wonderful organizations such as Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) and the hard work and generosity of our own congregation we will continue to make a difference!
It was truly inspiring working along the next generation of our church for this past week. In less than hospitable conditions these young people rose up to this challenge while learning a host of new skills such as dry walling, spackling, painting, framing, and so much more! We even managed to surprise our hosts from PDA by finishing off 3 jobsites in 4 days. With our work done we did make time for some fun with evenings spent at the beach and other locations in wonderful times of fellowship.
Thank you so much to everyone who made this trip a possibility! Without your generosity and faith, experiences like this would not be possible. On behalf of all of us thank you for blessing us with this life changing opportunity.
AJ Baratta
Director of Next Generation Ministry
Categories: Fellowship, Food For Thought, Mission, News