It’s Backpack Time!

It’s time for school and to be on the lookout for backpacks and school supplies. Store sales are active now. It’s been our tradition to supply Kellom Elementary School with at least 50 backpacks to give to youngsters who ay not have one. There is always a need for school supplies — pencils, pens colrs, scissors, rules, glue, tissues, paper, folders–all the things youngsters need to learn at a high level.
If you like to shop garage ales or Good Will, etc. you might find some gently used backpacks (or socks, hats, gloves, winter coats–anything that youngsters need) for a bargain price. Kellogg staff will appreciate receiving it all. Look for the collection point in Calvin Hall. Let’s help these precious youngsters get their year off to a good start! Thank you!
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