Lenten Small Group Bible Studies Through Easter

Lenten Morning Bible Study: Tuesdays @ 10:30 am in Jenks.
Small Group Bible Studies for Lent “Finding Jesus in the Psalms”:
We’ll study Finding Jesus in the Psalms: A Lenten Journey by Barb
Roose. Every week we will look at a Psalm and a New Testament passage together.
Topics include:
*Why Do We Need to Find Jesus in the Psalms? *Finding Jesus with Us in our
Hard Places *Finding Jesus as Our Shepherd *Finding Jesus as Our Hope
*Finding Jesus as Our Strength *Finding Jesus as Our Savior. Please sign up in Calvin Hall for one of the following weekly classes held weekly:
Sunday 2/25, 4:00 pm – Greg and Becky Nichol in their home
Wednesday 2/28, 6:30 pm – Dr. Gary Eller at church
Thursday, 2/29, 7:00 pm – Steve and Amy Rodie in their home
Saturday, 3/2, 11:00 am, David McBride at the Downtown Library
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