The Hands and Feet of Jesus

Hand Up Food Pantry
Our Hand Up Food Pantry is open every Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. except holidays. Our goal is to provide a hand up for those in our community by providing food. To receive a pantry please bring your social security card and two pieces of identification with an address. Clients are able to be served a full pantry once a week. Please note that the pantry is closed when Omaha Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather.
The pantry needs volunteers to set up early in the day on Thursdays and during the serving hours of 3:30 – 5:15 and to help unload the food truck on the third Thursday of every month at 1:00 pm.
Thanks for your continued support!

Hand Up for Housing
In response to seeing a need for housing assistance our Matthew 25 team went into action and the Hand-up for Housing Walk-a-thon was the answer. This annual walk partners with agencies in the Omaha Metro that deal directly with housing insecurities.
Why Housing? Affordable and safe housing is an area of great concern for families
and youth in our community. This annual fundraiser will have a direct impact on providing shelter for
those that are in need of a stable place to rest.
Get Ready to Walk! The 1.25-mile fundraising walk is happening October 8, 2023.

Crossroads Connection Prison Ministry
Crossroads Connection is a community of churches in the Omaha Metro area who have joined together to help prison inmates in their transition back to life outside of prison. Each Sunday a different church hosts a worship service followed by a wonderful homemade meal. This takes place at Underwood Hills Presbyterian Church.

Habitat for Humanity
“Habitat for Humanity’s vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live.” We are a member of the Interfaith Coalition group with Habitat for Humanity here in the Omaha Metro area. This year the group will build and dedicate a house for a family in the South Omaha area.

Kellom Elementary School
We participate in the OPS Adopt-A-School program by adopting Kellom Elementary School. We are currently collecting used clean jackets for delivery next fall. As well as sweat pants in black or navy, sizes small, medium, large and extra large; belts of various sizes; gloves for boys; jackets and scarves; underwear and socks of various sizes and back packs.

Castelar Kids’ Night
On the second Friday evening of each month from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, we volunteer along with and other Presbyterian churches in Omaha to host a free youth event at the former Castelar Presbyterian Church located at 16th and Castelar. Neighborhood youth from kindergarten to eighth grade come for a night of games, crafts, worship and food. This provides a safe alternative to trouble that can occur on the streets without organized activities.

Presbyterian Women
All women of the church are members of Presbyterian Women in the Church (PW). PW provides many services to the church from hosting funeral lunches, a prayer shawl ministry to name a few. PW also organizes several luncheons throughout the year as well as the annual bake sale in August to support its various mission projects.
Contact: Melissa Davis, Moderator

Refugee Assistance
We are currently partnering with Morning Star Lutheran Church in sponsoring a refugee family from Afghanistan.
In our ongoing efforts to support refugees in our area, we are collecting household items for refugee families. There is an ongoing need for basic items needed to set up a household. If you have gently used or new items you would like to donate you can bring them to church to be place in our storage area. It is our hope that we will have items available for newly arriving refugee families to come and “shop” our shelves.
When you bring your items back to church, look for the sign in Millard Hall to direct you.
There is also an Amazon Shopping list that will send the items directly to the church:
If you are interested in being involved in these active missions at First Presbyterian Church, please visit with Pastor Sloan or Pastor Jenni at 402 345-5383.