Pastor’s Manna – From Death to Life
From Death to Life
Last month our region experienced significant flooding damage as rivers swelled to historic levels and overflowed their banks. This affected many people, including people within our congregation.
Some towns were completely cut-off from the world and on their own for awhile. Some people lost all they possessed, and some people lost their life. The amount of damage cannot be overstated, it was in a word – catastrophic.
Even as the waters were taking out bridges, houses, farms and roads we began to see the community of Nebraska come together. Donations were made, cleanup and hygiene kits assembled, and workers activated as strangers began working together to make a difference in peoples lives and recovery efforts. Here at First Presbyterian Church many people sought to help our neighbors to the west and to the east, doing so out of human decency and Christian caring
In Nebraska and Iowa, a community formed around the flood bringing hope to those who had lost so much.
I am especially reminded of the message of Easter as I see new and affirming life emerge from the midst of such catastrophic chaos in our region. As Christ died on the cross, all seemed lost, there seemed to be no hope, and yet from that death came hope for each believer in Jesus Christ, eternal salvation that came through that sacrifice.
We celebrate that hope together, on Easter Sunday, and really every time we gather together. We celebrate Grace, we celebrate Salvation. We celebrate Life in our Risen Lord. Join us each Sunday as we celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ together, each Sunday, as we gather together and praise His name together!
In Him,
Pastor Jon
P.S. You can still donate to the Flood Relief Efforts going on, just bring your items to the church and we will help them get to the places that need these supplies the most, thank you!
Categories: News, Pastor's Manna