Pastor’s Manna – Signs of Change

Signs of Change
As much as some of us might not want to admit it, the autumn and early winter season has come upon us:
•You can hear the wind blowing through the trees
•You can smell the fireplaces lighting up, beginning to warm our homes and hearts.
•You can feel the briskness of the cooler air.
•You can taste the tastes of the season: turkey, pumpkin, warm soups…
•You can certainly see the season change as trees lose their leaves.
It is undeniable. The days are shorter, and the nights are longer as we prepare for winter. It is a normal part of the cycle of life: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. As each season transitions to the next, there are always signs of a change, signs of the patterns of the seasons.
God also sends signs and prepares us as our lives change and transition from one season to the next.
•The seasons may be age related: infant- child -young adult – adult – elderly
•The season may be based on our mental/emotional state: happy–sad–lonely– excited…
•The seasons may be based on our employment: working -searching – retired …
•Or the seasons may be based on workings that only you sense.
How is God preparing you for the season you are in right now? How about for the season to come? Can you sense God at work in your life right now? God will always prepare you, God will always support you, God will always love you.
Right now, God is preparing each of us for what comes next. God speaks to us through the Bible, through our studies, through our friendships, and through so many other ways, letting us know we are loved and supported by the one who came to this earth to die for us, so that we might live forever!
In Him,
Pastor Jon
Categories: News, Pastor's Manna