Pastor’s Manna – There Ain’t No Cure for the Summertime Blues

There Ain’t No Cure for the Summertime Blues
Eddie Cochran certainly didn’t have churches in mind when he sang his song “Summertime Blues”, but churches frequently experience the Summertime Blues. Somehow, we have gotten it in our mind that summer is a time when we can lessen all of our responsibilities. We take vacations, (and sabbaticals!… but more on that later in the newsletter), we take long weekends to get away, and even a lot of our social groups we are a part of will take a break during the summer as well.
I think this happens because we all grew up with a summer break in schools when we did not go to school during summer months. We continue that idea of summer being a magical time of relaxation and fun. Sometimes we do this because we have children who have summer school breaks, and sometimes we do this out of nostalgia, but regardless, things tend to slow down in the summer.
Our faith however should not take a break in the summer. We are to continually praise the Lord, not just from September to May, but in all times… continually. Hebrews 13:15 tells us:
“By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.”
It is my hope that you will take advantage of the great opportunities happening at First Presbyterian Church this Summer. We have many opportunities this summer:
Bible Studies, Small Groups, Academy Study, Vacation Bible School, Church retreat, and more!
Retreat (again!), Movie Nights, Coffee Hour, Churchwide Picnic, Young Adult gatherings, and more!
Neighbors United, Castelar Kids, Crossroads Connection Prison Ministry, VBS for our neighbors, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Pantry, and more!
Every Sunday – 10:30am.
You are a critical part of our church, and we can do far more together then we ever can apart. Come join us, and find a cure for the Summertime Blues!
In Him,
Pastor Jon