Schuyler Vacation Bible School

Schuyler Vacation Bible School
This mission project began in 1998 as several church- es got together and traveled to Schuyler, Nebraska to host a VBS for the children of Schuyler.
First Presbyterian Church joined this ongoing project in 2009. Our goal in hosting VBS is to simply share the Good New of Jesus Christ with the children of Schuyler. Over the years we have developed great relationships with these young people and for some it is the highlight of their summer.
Last summer we hosted a one day event in the middle of the week for over 75 children. This summer our plans are underway to once again share the good news of Jesus with the children of Schuyler but we need your help. Please consider a way in which you can help us continue this ministry – whether it be by volunteering to go with us, prepping crafts, shopping for supplies, or simply praying for this mission project!
It is an amazing ministry that we have been able to offer to the Schuyler community and the impact that we are able to have on over 100 children and their families is incredible.
YOU can participate in this group just by calling the church, 402 345-5383 and ask for Pastor Jenni.